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AMA Study: Decline in Overdose Deaths in States That Expanded Medicaid Under ACA

A new study, Association of Medicaid Expansion With Opioid Overdose Mortality in the United States, finds that jurisdictions that expanded access to Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) had a six percent reduction in opioid deaths. The study published in JAMA Network Open, more specifically counties in expansion states, had an 11 percent lower

Moments From History

In March 1992, the Child Welfare League of America releases a survey linking the drug epidemic (crack-cocaine) to the 50 percent increase in foster care over the previous five years. The survey of several states and agencies found that of 305,716 children served in the previous year, 36.8 percent were from families in which

The Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act Passes in Committee

On Tuesday, January 14, the House Committee on Education and Labor approved H.R. 5191, the Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act (RHYTPA) of 2019. The bill, which is a reauthorization of the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act of 1974 (RHYA), adds non-discriminatory language that aims to protect LGBTQ+ youth, focuses on trauma-informed services,

Family First Transition Services Act Passes

On Thursday, December 19, Congress passed the Family First Transition Act as part of an omnibus appropriations bill this week. The further consolidated appropriations bill of 2020 (page 1483) is the appropriations agreement reached through Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and congressional leaders. The original vehicle for the Family First Transition bill was supposed to move

CAPTA Gets Increases

As part of the budget deal, Congress provided the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) with some small but important increases that CWLA and the National Child Abuse Coalition sees as being part of a new recognition of CAPTA’s importance. CAPTA state grants will increase by $5 million to $90 million. Far short of

CWLA Submits Comments on HHS Proposed Rule Change to Non-Discrimination Policy

CWLA submitted comments to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Financial Resources, Health and Human Services Grants Regulation on the HHS notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) that would repeal anti-discrimination provisions as implemented during the Obama Administration before the due date of Thursday, December 19. The letter states: “We need a comprehensive national strategy

Series Finds that No State Follows All of CAPTA Requirements

On December 13, the Boston Globe and ProPublica released their findings on the first national survey they conducted on state’s compliance with the only federal child abuse law, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA). The reporters found that not one state complied with all of the legal requirements. CAPTA requires states to comply

Report Reveals the Foster Care System is Failing Older Youth

On Tuesday, December 17, NPR’s Steve Inskeep and journalist with The Kansas City Star Laura Bauer discussed the investigation of the outcomes for foster care children in America. The 7-minute interview, “Kansas City Star’ Probe Uncover Failures In Foster Care System, illustrated what happens to children who age out of foster care. Bauer and her

Post Examines Link Between Foster Care—Juvenile Justice in West Virginia

On December 30, the Washington Post in an article, “We are just destroying these kids’: The foster children growing up inside detention centers,” documented some of the ongoing problems in the state of West Virginia and the tragedy of some youth ending up in the state’s juvenile justice system when they should have been in

Fifth Circuit Rules ACA’s Individual Mandate Unconstitutional

On Wednesday, December 18, the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans struck down part of the Affordable Care Act provision, ruling that the requirement that people have health insurance was unconstitutional on a 2-1 decision and sent the case back to the lower court in Texas for further analysis. Several state attorneys

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