
CWLA Statement on School Violence

As a coalition of private and public entities and individuals dedicated to ensuring the safety, permanency, and well-being of children, youth, and their families, the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) advocates for policies, best practices, and collaborative strategies that advance positive outcomes for children and youth. The Child Welfare League of America was established

Last Week in Child Welfare: January 29-February 4

by Elizabeth Gibbons Legislation on Amateur Sports On January 30, the Senate unanimously passed a bill to require governing bodies of amateur sports, the sports in which most minors participate, to report sexual abuse allegations to law enforcement within 24 hours. The bill stipulates new training to prevent misconduct, extends the statute of limitations for

Last Week in Child Welfare: January 22-January 26

by Elizabeth Gibbons Iowa  The Iowa Department of Human Services is facing criticism after the high-profile deaths of two teenagers at the hands of their adoptive parents. The Department is now working to change their policies, procedures, and responses. The teenagers were formerly in the foster system and had contact with social service workers; in

Last Week in Child Welfare: January 14-January 21

by Elizabeth Gibbons Mississippi Lack of legal representation for parents creates unnecessary delays and hardships, hindering child welfare workers and keeping families apart.  In Mississippi, 75% of parents who are financially challenged and involved in the child welfare system do not have legal counsel or representation, making it one of only two states not to


Published in Children’s Voice, Volume XX, Number X by AUTHOR TEXT OF ARTICLE   Purchase this Issue COVER IMAGE (MEDIUM SIZE) Become a member and gain access to the full library of the Children's Voice. Other Featured Articles in this Issue XXXX XXXX XXXX Departments Leadership Lens Spotlight On: Interview and

Presidential Commission on Opioids Holds Next Session After Delay

The second of the President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and Opioid Crisis will be held via teleconference on Monday, July 31, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. EST. The Commission, Chaired by Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) is behind schedule. It met for the first time on Friday, June 16. The Commission was established to develop interim

Tell Your Members of Congress to Protect Our Health Care

Use The Town Hall Project to visit your members of Congress and tell them to protect our health care! If they are not in town, call them at your district office or contact your Senator here and your House member here. Key Points: Consequences of Repeal without Simultaneous, Responsible Replacement Members of Congress should vote

Groups Release Recommendations on Protecting Children from Trauma

On Tuesday, May 20 more than a dozen groups led by Futures Without Violence released their new recommendations called, Safe, Healthy and Ready to Learn: Policy recommendations to ensure children thrive in supportive communities free from violence and trauma. The recommendations focus on seven goals: *     invest early in parents and young children; *     help

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