
White House Announces Summit on Early Education

This week (Wednesday, October 29) the White House announced they will be holding a Summit on Early Childhood Education. President Obama will host the White House Summit that will include a broad coalition of philanthropic, business, education, advocacy and elected leaders, as well as other stakeholders who are committed to expanding access to high-quality early education.


House of Representatives has passed HR 4980, the “Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act.’ The legislation will reauthorize the Adoption Incentive Fund for three years and extend it to guardianship placements. It will also extend the Family Connections Grants by one year through this current fiscal year of 2014. The bill also limits the

CWLA’s Advocacy Tips

The Child Welfare League of America's public policy division works with its member agencies, state and Congressional leaders, and the Administration to monitor public and private sector policies and promote action that will benefit vulnerable children and youths, their families, and their communities. Consumers, advocates, and legislators must all become informed and take action on

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